Bowron s.r.o.
Product Sourcing services
Distribution partner EU/USA
+421 905 438 898
Bowron s.r.o.
We're your premier destination for seamless product sourcing solutions. With a keen eye for quality and a dedication to excellence, we specialize in connecting businesses with the finest suppliers and manufacturers worldwide.
Request a Consultation
Who we are
We're the driving force behind your procurement success, leveraging years of industry expertise to deliver tailored sourcing strategies that meet your unique needs.
From identifying the best suppliers to negotiating competitive prices, we're committed to ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way.
What we do
Supplier identification
Extensive list of supplier partners
Negotiate best price
Multiple year of experience dealing
with suppliers and factories
Best in class products
High quality products with
competitive prices
At Bowron, integrity, reliability, and customer satisfaction are at the core of everything we do. Whether you're a small startup or a multinational corporation, we're here to simplify your sourcing process and help you achieve your business goals.
Success stories
Experience the Bowron s.r.o. difference and let us be your trusted partner in sourcing excellence.
Welcome to a world where quality meets efficiency, and your success is our priority.
Distribution EU/USA
Identifying RETAIL channel
Existing retail chain contracts
E-commerce plan/logistics
Contracted e-commerce channels/
identifying or stepping in new
Private label
Special projects, rolling out to
market, competition fighting
As a leading distributor in the EU/USA, we are committed to connecting businesses with top-quality products from around the globe. From navigating complex regulations to ensuring timely delivery, we are your trusted partner in expanding your market presence across the EU and USA.
Main Office
Bowron s.r.o.
Drevarska 1650/6, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovakia, Europe
Email Address
Phone Number
+421 905 438 898